Preventive Dentistry
What is Preventive Dentistry?
Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more. Preventative dental care, including regular dental cleanings, exams and even fluoride treatments, is absolutely necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums. At Flat Creek Family Dentistry, our dental hygienists serve as the cornerstone of our program to prevent dental disease including periodontal disease. We strive to keep you teeth looking good and functioning properly for as long as possible.
Services Offered:
Teeth Cleaning
Comprehensive Exam & X-Rays
Children’s Dentistry
Dental Emergencies
Digital Radiographs
Digital and Intraoral Photography
Gum Disease
Oral Cancer Screening
Occlusal Splint Therapy (bite guards)
Sport Mouth Guards